
Digital SAT Exam

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    About Digital SAT Exam


    In the era of technological advancements, standardized testing has also evolved to meet the demands of the digital age. The Digital SAT exam is a groundbreaking development that combines the rigor of the traditional SAT with the advantage offered by digital platforms.

    As the Digital SAT Exam becomes the norm, it is essential to adapt and prepare for this modernized testing format. At CPS Global, we are committed to equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and strategies needed to succeed in the Digital SAT Exam. By embracing the advantages of digital testing and leveraging our specialized preparation services, you can confidently navigate this new era of standardized testing and maximize your potential for academic success.


    The digital version of the SAT was expected to have similar content to the traditional paper-and-pencil SAT, but it would be administered on a computer. The digital format could potentially offer benefits such as faster score reporting and an interactive user experience. It might also include features like the ability to zoom in on text, highlight passages, and use other tools that could aid in answering questions. 

    Digital SAT Exam Fees

    For Indian students, the basic fee for the SAT exam registration is $60, plus a regional fee of $49.

    Digital SAT Registration

    Students who are appearing for the SAT exam are required to register for the same before the registration deadline. Students can do SAT exam registration using the offline method via mail or through online method. The students who register for the SAT exam online are required to create a new login id on the official SAT website and then proceed with the registration process steps.

    SAT Online Registration (Steps)-

    1. Visit the College Board’s official website.
    2. Create your account
    3. Submit all the required details
    4. Choose your SAT exam date along with your test centre
    5. Upload your clear photograph
    6. Pay the application fee

    Every designated SAT Test center has a limited number of seats. The students who are appearing for the SAT exam are suggested to book their exam slots well in advance to avoid any unnecessary hassle. For easy convenience, applicants should find an SAT centre near their home to reach there on time for their SAT exam.

    SAT Offline Registration via Mail (Steps)-

    1. You first need to purchase ‘The Student Registration Guide for the SAT and SAT Subject Tests’
    2. The SAT guide includes a registration form for the SAT exam and a return envelope
    3. The SAT registration form needs to be sent along with a demand draft
    4. The local representative of SAT in India is the USIEF, and the mailed forms will be directed to their regional office.


    Digital SAT Exam Pattern

    The SAT exam for 2023 will consist of two main sections: 

    1. Reading and Writing
    2. Mathematics 

    The Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section consists of 54 questions divided into two modules of 27 questions each. The total time allotted for this section is 64 minutes, with 32 minutes for each module.

    The Math section consists of 44 questions to be answered in 70 minutes. The section is further divided into two modules of 22 questions, each with 35 minutes allotted for each module.

    How will students take the digital sat?

    Students will take the SAT on a laptop or tablet, using a custom-built digital exam application that they’ll download in advance of test day.

    How long will the digital sat be?

    The digital SAT will be shorter than the current paper and pencil test—around two hours instead of three. It will include two sections (Reading and Writing, Math) with a break in between.

    Further, the overall test day experience will be shorter since most preadministration activities, such as downloading the exam application and completing the student questionnaire, will happen in advance of test day. Also, testing staff won’t need to spend time handing out, collecting, or sorting test materials.

    How the Digital SAT Is Structured

    The digital SAT is composed of two sections: Reading and Writing and Math. Students have 64 minutes to complete the Reading and Writing section and 70 minutes to complete the Math section for a total of 2 hours and 14 minutes.

    Each section is divided into 2 equal-length modules, and there is a 10-minute break between the Reading and Writing section and the Math section. The first module of each section contains a broad mix of easy, medium, and hard questions. Based on how students perform in the first module, the second module of questions will either be more difficult or less difficult.

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